Photo by sena|س on Unsplash
You will have heard or read about the Council’s response to the deficit that they have created. This is to save £32 million through a ‘review of services’.
What does this mean?
Derbyshire County Council is a ‘people organisation’. There’s a lot of money tied up in buildings and equipment, but by far the foundation of every service are the staff that deliver it. There will be a variety of measures taken, but there is no question that a review of services means service cuts for the people of Derbyshire and job cuts for the workers.
What SHOULD they be doing?
As the people you elect to support you, we believe that the answer is in how the money is spent and how the decisions are made. A recent Freedom Of Information request revealed that spending on Agency staff has more than doubled in the last five years from £9.5 million to £19.8 million. That doesn’t include consultants.
We also now know that Derbyshire spends £113 million on private care homes but nearly 50% of our own care home beds are empty!
The answer to the gap in funding lies with us – the people who deliver this services. But, instead of talking to staff and investing in Derbyshire Council services, they are buying in private provision at a huge premium.
Freezing the unions out!
For as long as anyone can remember, when a restructure or review has been proposed that might lead to job losses, the Council have sat down with the unions to discuss it.
But last week we were told that 90% of the reviews would not be subject to consultation with us – because the employer did not legally have to do so!
We cannot let this stand. Through the trade unions you have a voice in what happens to Derbyshire. Abandoning this and freezing us out is a terrible move.
YOU need to be involved
As of yesterday (22 Jan 24) UNISON has lodged a Trade Dispute with Derbyshire County Council, calling for ALL members to step forward and stand together. We need you to:
Speak to your colleagues and get them to join UNISON right now at
Email if you can spare any time at all to help
Sign the petition at
We must fight for the future of Derbyshire!
Together we are stronger!